Let’s ride in the #Ariel #Son-day Task -1 train

          @ariel.india come up with these awesome initiatives that encourage gender equality and break stereotypes like laundry is only for women. They emphasized on that everyone in the family should #sharetheload .  To spread the vibe of this movement & to encourage more sons’s to join it, for the next four Sundays that is from (21st april- 28th april- 5th may – 12th may), Ariel will come up with one new task every Sunday and they want the sons to check that out and do that task. If you love your mom and really believe that you would want to help her out, do participate and pledge to share household chores. If you have missed any task than don’t worry, there is a chance to participate till 12th may…. Please complete the entire task to get eligible for Grand prize.

          I am all set to ride on this #Ariel #Son-day task train with my champ. I highly believe that all family members should #ShareTheLoad, but somewhere agree that in my family all the three elder men are layman in it. Wives in the family try to train the hubby’s, when they started working to support them in balance the financial situation. This didn’t help them completely, but given them a satisfaction that at least the men of the house trying to learn & improve. So when I blessed with a son, I decided that I won’t make him dependent on me or his wife for small- small house chores. At least I will teach him to do small regular basic works of house.

          Ariel this week task is washing clothes. Zumi is all set to learn the first #sharetheload task wash his clothes.

          His task start with gathering the clothes from room, which thrown by him …here & there. After that he carry it to washing area & put it in the washing machine. Add the ariel matic liquid & water as per required. Now it’s time to “ON” the washing machine & set the timer as per requirement.

          Now what next…. It’s time to dance till the washing done. When it complete put it in the dryer & dry it.

          We enjoyed doing this task….. wat about you guys?

Join the activity from Ariel & blogadda – #ShareTheLoad.  This is the perfect opportunity to let the world know what a home where the men and women #ShareTheLoad would look like.

‘I pledge to #ShareTheLoad in household chores in association with Ariel and BlogAdda


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0 Replies to “Let’s ride in the #Ariel #Son-day Task -1 train”

  1. Kudos to Ariel for Such a wonderful initiative..it has helped a lot in increasing sensitivity of boys and men and they has helped a lot in changing their mindset..

    1. Its a good idea to make children learn chores early.Great parenting makes good adults.Thanks for sharing.

  2. Such a sweet and thoughtful initiative taken by Ariel. I am happy it will change people’s mindset.

  3. Share the load is the great initiative by ariel. Making sundays into a Son-day is some very innovative and relaxing for women in the house. All the best for the results.

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