Skolatoys -Step & Slide with a twist added by me

Skolatoys -Step & Slide with a twist added by me

          With the start of the month of April, we Malayalis eagerly wait for Vishu our “New Year”. In this festival, after worshiping Lord Krishna, the elders gift the younger ones in the family. So I was in search of something special for my little kid.

          Being a mom, I know what kind of issue he is facing, when it comes to a reading & understanding. I tried several tricks to grab his attention towards reading short stories… But as I know he is extra naughty champ, and it’s very hard to make him sit at one place without his willingness. So my next intent was to search a kind of game, which attracts him to read & encourages him to understand what he is reading. My search zeroed me at Skolatoys.

Skola toys have different stages of word games.

  1. 3 letter crosswords (age 4+)
  2. Sight Words:- Step & Slide (age 4.5+)
  3. Word Wheel (age 5+)
  4. Complex Words with Phonograms (coming soon)

          We decided to go with Sight Words:- Step & Slide game ….and in my way add a twist in the game while playing, that will surely improve his reading + understanding trouble. Before knowing, what kind of twist I added too it… Let me show you the product we brought & how much we enjoy it.


Sight Words :- Steps & Slide

It looks like a pyramid of sight words, which is used extensively usually in day to day lives.


Materials in the box: –
1) 4 stackable pieces printed with sight words
2) 4 wooden knights pawn, 4 wooden ladders, 1 die & 1 flag
3) 1 board with sight words printed
4) 4 marker color pens
5) Instruction manual
6) Crayons

Kids can easily install it.

Single player: – Child has to roll the die & move as many as steps forward which the die had indicated. The kid needs to read the word where he lands & mark the same word in the word list with the sketch pen or crayon given in the set.

Multiple Player: – 4 kids can play this game. The sequence of each player will be same one after other turn, but with that you can add some rules like (1) whoever reaches the top with the most words collected, wins. (2) The game will be over the moment any kid reaches the finishing point, and whoever collects the most number of words wins. (3) If the latter comes to the same word that the former has collected, then you lose the steps and stay still and cannot repeat the word too.


Sight Reading: – As the kids play this game, they effortlessly absorb all the basic sight words needed for simple reading & writing. This not only enhances their interest in reading, but also helps them to create meaningful sentence by their own.

Game play: – Increase the fun of learning together.

Twists we added: – While playing it with zumi & frds, we added a new rule to it. Which was.. wherever the player lands as per the dice rolled, the player will read the word & form a sentence using the same word. The intent was not only to increase their interest in reading but also make them understand usage of same word to get meaningful sentences. This twist added a new thrill in game & we find that kids really looking forward to make sentences their own.

I just love the product & highly recommend to mom’s who want to encourage their kids to read & understand the sentences they are reading.

This was my experience about the game from skolatoys. Skola Toys are designed to provide delightful practical learning experiences to young kids. Do check there website

Link of: – Sight Words :- Steps & Slide

New mom’s do check this post Best Toys for kids by Neha Gupta


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0 Replies to “Skolatoys -Step & Slide with a twist added by me”

  1. Though my son loves reading, I would still like him to explore these games by skolatoys. As long as the toys are educational, I’m very happy to invest in them.

  2. Skola toys have a wonderful collection of wooden toys. This sight words activity toy looks so interesting and it definitely makes the learning fun

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