Ayurvedic Mantra for beautiful skin: – ROOPMantra

Ayurvedic Mantra for beautiful skin: – ROOPMantra

Mirror mirror on the wall,
who is the fairest of them all?

          It is said that “ By repeating the above spell for 3×3 days – and notice the difference in your face!” …. I don’t believe something like this really works & people will follow… But yes instead of spell, people spend a lot for fairness, anti wrinkles & pimple cure treatment, to get a beautiful perfect wow face. Everyone want be look perfect with a glowing anti pimple face. Age, climate, pollution & stress affect our skin a lot & slowly- slowly our beautiful glowing skin get dull, filled with pimple & wrinkles. A sudden arrival of pimple, bring a full stop to our plans & with the increase in there quantity, our confidences graph goes down.


          Last week, I got Divisa Herbal Care “Roop Mantra Products” for review. Divisa Herbal Care is one of the leading Ayurvedic based firm in personal & healthcare segment in India. Divisa have combined Ayurveda with modern technology and have delivered cost effective product in various other health segments. It takes care of health of people from young to the older ones.

I took it as a challenge & started using it, as it will heal the 2 major issues, which I have – pimple & dull dark skin because of kutch dry hot wind. It’s being one week, I didn’t find major change while looking at mirror, other than reduction in acne , but yes got a compliment from friends that my skin tone got lighten & a new glow is there…. What other than this a girl wants to hear in her life???


Roop Mantra Ayurvedic Cream:-

An Authentic Ayurvedic Cream with a complete Ayurvedic Skin Health solution for entire family. On the box itself, they have mention that for best result, one has to use 3 times in a day for 3 weeks. It contains natural Liquid extracts such as Aloe Vera, Basil, Turmeric, Lemon, Cucumber, Apple, Carrot, Almond, Draksha, Mulethi, Neem & Chandan.

  • Nourishing ointment suitable for all type of skin.
  • Protect from Acne, Pimples, Boils & Skin Infection etc.

          Cream has a peaches color & the texture is soft shiny. We have to massage the cream slowly on the face till it absorb. It will leave a mild glow on the face after absorbing into skin. As the cream is little dry… Dry skin people can apply little moisturizer before using it.

Cost of the product is – Rs 93/- (Very much affordable)
Net Wt.:- 30g

For best result: – First wash your face with Roop Mantra Herbal Face Wash than apply the Roop Mantra Ayurvedic Cream


Roop Mantra Zero Pimple Gel:-

          An Ayurvedic Medicinal Gel, which contain herbal extract of Rosemary, Tea Tree Oil, Aloe Vera, Marigold, Nimbu, Green Tea, Tulsi, Neem, Cucumber, Onion, Mentha providing a better care to the skin.

  • Remove pimples & acne problem
  • Helps in removing excess oil, open & clear clogged pores.

         Apply over the properly cleansed affected area or whole face twice a day or as direction by the physician.

It’s a watery gel with a mild fragrance. Easily absorb in to skin.

My personal suggestion is to use it at night for better result.

Cost of the product is – Rs 136/- (Very much affordable)
Net Wt.:- 15g

For best result: – First wash your face with Roop Mantra Herbal Face Wash than apply the Roop Mantra Zero Pimple Gel


Roop Mantra Aloevera Face Wash:-

          Ayurvedic Proprietary Face Wash enriched with the goodness of herbal extract of Aloe Vera, Tulsi & Neem Leaves.

  • Remove facial skin dirt which prevents blemishes & pimples
  • Remove signs of premature aging & retains skins moisture

Roop Mantra Mix Fruit Face Wash:-

A Medicinal Face Wash is a blend of natural fruit extract like Apple, Grape Seed, Carrot, Aloe Vera & Almond providing complete nourishment to the skin.

  • Prevents blemishes & pimples by removing facial skin dirt
  • Provides deep cleaning, enhances skin glow

Roop Mantra Neem Face Wash:-

Deep Cleansing Face Wash contains the goodness of Neem, Tulsi & Turmeric, which is an antibacterial & antifungal property.

  • Remove excess oil, deep- rooted dirt, control blemishes & pimples.
  • Exfoliates skin, makes it dirt & germ free

Roop Mantra Lime & Mint Face Wash:-

Skin Moisturizing Face Wash is a blend of the natural extract of Lemon, Tulsi, Pudina & Aloe Vera, which provide proper nourishment to the skin.

  • Remove dryness, roughness & control skin cracking.
  • Remove the facial dirt & retain skin moisture.

Roop Mantra Cucumber Face Wash:-

An Ayurvedic Face Wash is composed of the herbal extract of Cucumber, Neem, Aloevera & Pudina

  • Control blemishes & pimples, purify the skin.
  • Remove excess oil & dirt while retain skin moisture.


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0 Replies to “Ayurvedic Mantra for beautiful skin: – ROOPMantra”

  1. Their range of products are quite widespread. 5 types of facewashes to choose is really great. The pimple gel sounds handy

  2. Such a vast variety of face wash is impressive. I have not heard of this brand before but Ayurvedic cream sounds really intriguing. Great post xx

  3. I have acne prone skin. The need face wash and zero acne gel sound promising. Will get one for me soon

  4. Roopmantra is a trusted brand. All the products are promising. I haven’t tried any yet but will do. For all this while I used to think that Roopmantra has only one product which is for skin lightening. Thank you for this insightful article.

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